June 26, 2007

Sam's Homecoming

When Sam heard this he was wide eyed...

So we dressed him up...

His hat to cover his head...

His booties to warm his tootsies...

He was not sure about being buckled up...

But he warmed up to the idea since he was going home...

We left the hosptial...

And entered our new house together...

We showed him his new space...

Then it was time for a photo shoot...

Finally we tucked our little glow worm in and we all went to sleep in the same room under the same roof for the first time.

Thank you for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, gifts and help during the last 10 days. God has truly blessed us with a beautiful healthy baby boy, wonderful family and caring friends. Thank you so much. We will keep you posted on his progress (and ours).

Chris, Deanna and Sam

1 comment:

Deidra said...

Congrats! I'm so glad little man is finally home. Just wanted to know that you guys have been in our prayers and we think of you guys often. Take care and give the little one a big kiss from us. Hope to see you soon. :)