October 13, 2008

Good Fall Memories

We've had a great few months together watching Sam grow so quickly. He has started Preschool 2 days a week and is loving playing with his new friends. He's discovered that he can crawl up on things and that it's just as much fun to chase Daddy as it is to be chased by him. He loves posing for the camera and generally just has fun with whatever is going on.

Here he is all ready for preschool-He looks so much like Dennis the Menace I couldn't resist taking a picture.

He wanted to be outside with Daddy so Chris put him in his hiking pack and mowed the yard with him. Sam thought this was great-Chris enjoyed it alot too!

Sam got so close to the lions at the zoo we could almost touch them! They aren't usually right there where we can see them so this was pretty cool!
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